
Ecological adaptations of Plants living in salt land – High concentration of salts

Halophytes There are special type of Halophytic plants which grow on soils with high concentration of salts. Examples: Rhizophora, Sonneratia and Avicennia. Halophytes are usually found near the seashores and Estuaries. The soils are physically wet but physiologically dry. As plants cannot use salt water directly they require filtration of salt using physiological processes. This […]


Ecological adaptations – plants Living in Too wet or too Dry conditions – Mesophytes

Ecological adaptations The modifications in the structure of organisms to survive successfully in an environment are called adaptations of organisms. Adaptations help the organisms to exist under the prevailing ecological habitat. Based on the habitats and the corresponding adaptations of plants, they are classified as hydrophytes, xerophytes, mesophytes, epiphytes and halophytes. Mesophytes The plants which […]