
Pest Affecting Brinjal Production – Free Online Agri Studymaterial

BRINJAL Shoot and fruit borer Leucinodes orbonalis (Pyraustidae: Lepidoptera) Leucinodes orbonalis is the most important and destructive pest of brinjal. It starts damaging brinjal plant, few weeks after transplantation.  Larva bores into tender shoots and causes withering of terminal shoots or dead hearts.  It also bores into petioles of leaves, flower buds and developing fruits […]


Pest or Insects Affecting Coffee Production – Types of pest Affecting the Coffee – Free Study Material

PESTS OF COFFEE White stem borer Xylotrechus quadripes Cerambycidae: Coleoptera White stem borer is the most serious pest of Arabica coffee in India.  Alternate host plants include Robusta tree coffee, teak, Oleadioica etc. However, borer usually does not breed in these plants.  Adult is slender and 2.5 cm long beetle. Forewings are black with white […]