
Diseases Of Sorghum Plant – Agricultural study material

DISEASES OF SORGHUM DISEASES CAUSAL ORGANISM Charcoal rot Macrophomina phaseolina Downy mildew / leaf shredding Perenosclerospora sorghi Rust Puccinia purpurea Grain smut / kernal smut / covered smut Sporisorium sorghi Loose smut Sporisorium cruenta Long smut Tolyposporium ehrenbergii Head smut Sporisorium reiliana Ergot / sugary disease Claviceps sorghi Leaf blight Helminthosporium turcicum Rectangular leaf spot […]


Pests on Chillies, Turmeric and Ginger

PESTS ON SPICES AND CONDIMENTS CHILLIES Chilli thrips Scirtothrips dorsalis (Thripidae: Thysanoptera) Thrips cause severe damage in areas where chilli is cultivated as a dry crop. It also attacks on tea, acacia, prosopis, castor, cotton, mango, onion, groundnut, pomegranate, pulses, brinjal grape vine, Citrus sp. and numerous weeds.  Both nymphs and adults lacerate leaf tissues […]

Agri manufacturing Agricultural Study Materials Uncategorized

Pest Affecting fruits – Banana, Apple, Grapes, Fig, Tamarind, Papaya, star goosberry, custard apple, pear, peach and plum

BANANA Rhizome weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) It is a major pest of banana. Adult is a stout, reddish brown weevil.  Grub is apodous and yellowish with reddish head. Grub bores into rhizome and tunnels within it. Pupates within a chamber made near the outer surface of rhizome.  Adult also tunnels within stem feeding on […]

Agricultural Study Materials Insects

Pest – Definition of Pest – Categories of Pests – Causes of Pest outbreak – Study Guide

PEST – Derived from French word ‘Peste’ and Latin term ‘Pestis’ meaning plague or contagious disease Pest is any animal which is noxious, destructive or troublesome to man or his interests A pest is any organism which occurs in large numbers and conflict with man’s welfare, convenience and profit A pest is an organism which […]

Agri manufacturing Agricultural Study Materials Uncategorized

Enemies of Bees – Honey bee plant production- No of enemies involved

Wax Moth a. Greater Wax Moth       Galleria mellonella Galleriidae : Lepidoptera Adults brown in colour. Female moth enters the hive during night and lays creamy white eggs in groups in the cracks and crevices of the hive and combs and in the gap between super and brood chamber.  Caterpillar is dirty white in colour. Egg, […]

Agricultural Study Materials

Insect Wings & Legs and their modifications – Free Online Studymaterial

The thorax consists of three segments viz., pro, meso and metathorax and each bear onepair of legs called fore, middle and hind legs respectively. Legs are the principal organ oflocomotion and they have undergone many modifications and have been adapted to wide rangeof functions. The generalized insect leg consists of six segments. 1. A basal […]

Agricultural Study Materials

Insects, Characteristics of insects, Dominance of Insects – Factors responsible for dominance – Agricultural Free Online Studymaterial

ENTOMOLOGY DEFINITION: Entomology is the scientific study of insects. The word ‘Entomology’ is derived from two Greek words ‘Entomon’ meaning insects and ‘logos’ meaning  study  It is a branch of zoology dealing with Origin & evolution of insects and their diversity & classification, body organisation and function, development, interaction with surroundings in which they live, […]