
Agents of pollination

Pollination is effected by many agents like wind, water, insects etc. On the basis of the agents that bring about pollination, the mode of pollination is divided into abiotic and biotic. The latter type is used by majority of plants. Abiotic agents 1. Anemophily – pollination by Wind 2. Hydrophily – pollination by Water Biotic […]

Agri manufacturing Agricultural Study Materials Uncategorized

Pest Affecting fruits – Banana, Apple, Grapes, Fig, Tamarind, Papaya, star goosberry, custard apple, pear, peach and plum

BANANA Rhizome weevil Cosmopolites sordidus (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) It is a major pest of banana. Adult is a stout, reddish brown weevil.  Grub is apodous and yellowish with reddish head. Grub bores into rhizome and tunnels within it. Pupates within a chamber made near the outer surface of rhizome.  Adult also tunnels within stem feeding on […]

Agricultural Study Materials Insects

Pest – Definition of Pest – Categories of Pests – Causes of Pest outbreak – Study Guide

PEST – Derived from French word ‘Peste’ and Latin term ‘Pestis’ meaning plague or contagious disease Pest is any animal which is noxious, destructive or troublesome to man or his interests A pest is any organism which occurs in large numbers and conflict with man’s welfare, convenience and profit A pest is an organism which […]

Agri manufacturing Insects

Common Predators and Parasitoids

Beneficial insects and mites belong to three categories: predators, parasitoids, and pollinators. Predators capture and eat other organisms such as insects or mites. Predators include ladybird beetles, ground beetles, lacewings, syrphid (hover) flies, aphid midges (Aphidoletes) and yellowjacket wasps. Parasitoids are insects that parasitize other insects. The immature stages of parasitoids develop on or within its […]