UG degree

Training – Types of training : Induction or Orientation training and Internship Training – Methods of training : On the Job Training (OJT) and Off the Job Training


Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a particular job.Training the new employee is an investment. Employees need to be thoroughly trained so that a maximum benefit is derived on a long term basis. When the employee has a familiarity on the established operational policies and procedures, it gives encouragement for the new worker and they will gain self- confidence.The first step in establishing a training programme is to decide when training is needed, what needs to be taught and who should receive the training. Always goals should be established for the programme and an outline should be framed in order to meet the goals.The advantages of a good training are multiple and will benefit the organization and the employees.

Advantages to the management

☆Increase production☆Decrease breakage and spoilage☆Reduce number of accidents☆Fewer complaints☆Increase job satisfaction☆Low labour- turnover rate☆Reduce absenteeism☆High quality of performance☆Less supervision and economical operation☆Higher morale☆Facilitate to prepare future managers☆Better management

Advantages to the employee

☆Self-respect☆Confidence☆Motivation☆New skills, techniques and knowledge☆Promotion☆Higher earnings☆Adaptability☆Increased safety

a) Types of training

1. Induction or Orientation training In this type, the new employee will be oriented about the history of the food service establishment, type of menu and service, organization structure, location of departments and employees services, personnel policies and practices, rules and regulations, standing orders, grievance procedure and safety measures. This induction training familiarizes the location of locker rooms, cafeteria, break time, leave rules and other facilities. Through this the employees gain self confidence, develop belongingness and loyalty.2. Internship Training Internship training is usually offered in educational or a vocational institute to provide experiential knowledge to the students to back up practical experience on the jobs. For E.g.: Catering students gain practical knowledge by getting trained in reputed food service institution for six months to two years.

b. Methods of training

The common two methods of training are on the job and off the job training. Description of On the job training and Simulation method, Knowledge based method and Experimental method under Off the job training are explained below.1. On the Job Training (OJT) This method is also known as ‘observing and copying’ or ‘learning by doing. In food service industry, the new employee is placed on the job and taught the skills necessary to perform it. Thus, this type of training for a new staff has been proved successful.2. Off the Job Training

i. Simulation method

Simulation is a technique which duplicates, as nearly as possible, the actual conditions encountered on a job. Table 7.3 gives a typical training programme for cooks.

ii. Knowledge based method

In this method, the knowledge is imparted to the employees through lectures, film show, conferences and seminar.

iii. Experimental methods

The objective of this method is to help an individual understand oneself and the dynamics of human relationship in a work situation including his managerial style. The two methods under this are sensitivity training and transactional analysis.According to the purpose of training and level of participants the most desired method can be chosen to train the employees.

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