
Classification based on Developable Surface used- what is developable surface in GIS- what are the 4 main type of map Projection- what is map Projection its – what is Conical Projection – what is conical Projection for uses – what are the 4 type of map Projection- what is Zenithal Projection- what is mean by Zenithal Projection- type of Zenithal Projection- what is Zenithal Projection in geographic

The three basic projections are based on the types of developable surface. They are:

1 Cylindrical Projection

• It can be visualized as a cylinder wrapped around the globe.

• The longitudes (meridians) and latitudes (parallels) appear as straight lines.

• Length of equator on the cylinder is equal to the length of the equator, therefore, it is suitable for showing equatorial regions.


when a cylinder has line of tangency to the equator. It includes Equirectangular Projection, the Mercator projection, Lambert’s Cylindrical Equal Area, Gall’s Stereographic Cylindrical, and Miller cylindrical projection.


when cylinder has line of tangency to the meridian. It includes the Cassini Projection, Transverse Mercator, Transverse cylindrical Equal Area Projection, and Modified Transverse Mercator.


when cylinder has line of tangency to another point on the globe. It only consists of the Oblique Mercator projection.

2. Conical Projection

• It can be visualized as a cone placed on the globe, tangent to it at some parallel.

• After projecting the graticule on to the cone, the cone is cut along one of the meridian and unfolded. Parallels appear as arcs with a pole and meridians as straight lines that converge to the same point.

• It can represent only one hemisphere, at a time, northern or southern hemisphere.

• It is suitable for representing middle latitudes. Conical projection is divided into two. They are Tangent: when the cone is tangent to only one of the parallel.


when the cone is not big enough to cover the curvature of earth, it intersects the earth twice at two parallels.

3. Azimuthal /Zenithal Projection

• It can be visualized as a flat sheet of paper tangent to any point on the globe

• The sheet will have the tangent point as the centre of the circular map, where meridians passing through the centre are straight line and the parallels are seen as concentric circle.

• Suitable for showing polar areas

Aspects of zenithal projection:

Equatorial zenithal:

When the plane is tangent to a point on the equator.

Oblique zenithal:

when the plane is tangent to a point between a pole and the equator.

Polar zenithal:

when the plane is tangent to one of the poles.

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