Agri Diseases

DISEASES OF CASTOR – Agricultural study materials

Seedling blightPhytophthora parasitica
RustMelampsora ricini
Leaf blightAlternaria ricini
Brown leaf spotCercospora ricinicola
Bacterial leaf blightXanthomonas campestris pv. ricini

1. SEDLING BLIGHT – Phytophthora parasitica


The disease appears as circular, dull green patch on both the surface of the cotyledonary leaves. Later it spreads and cause rotting. Infected stem show black discolouration and severe defoliation

Mode of spread and survival

The pathogen spreads through wind borne sporangia and survives in seeds and as oospores in soil


    Cool and moist conditions, continuous rains encourage the disease development.


  • Diseased plants should be removed and burnt
  • Avoid low-lying and ill drained fields for sowing
  • Seed treatment with thiram @ 3 g/kg of seed

2. RUST – Melampsora ricini


Minute, orange-yellow coloured, raised pustules appear with powdery masses on the lower surface of the leaves. Pustules are grouped in concentric rings and drying of leaves results. The fungus produces only uredospores in caster plant

Mode of spread and survival

The pathogen spreads through air borne uredospores and survives in the self-sown caster crop


    Cloudy weather favour the disease


  • Rogue out the self sown caster crop and other weed host
  • Sulphur dusting @ 25 kg/ha or spraying mancozeb @ 1 kg/ha

3. LEAF BLIGHT – Alternaria ricini


In leaves, irregular brown spots with concentric rings, variable in size appear which are usually surrounded by yellow halos. In severe cases, the stem, capsules, and inflorescence also show dark brown lesions and premature defoliation occurs.

Mode of spread 

Spreads through air borne conidia


The pathogen is externally and internally seed borne


High relative humidity, low temperature with moist condition favour the disease


  • Seed treatment with thiram or carbendazim @ 2 g/kg of seed
  • Three spray of mancozeb at 1 kg/ha at 15-90 days intervals

4. BROWN LEAF SPOT – Cercospora ricinicola


Minute brown spots surrounded by a pale yellow halo. Infected leaf tissue in the spot may break off leaving a shot hole symptom 

Mode of spread 

Spreads through air borne conidia


The pathogen survives as dormant mycelium in plant debris


Low temperature and cloudy weather encourage the disease


  • Remove the infected plant debris and destroy
  • Spraying with Bordeaux mixture @ 1 % or COC @ 0.25 %

5. BACTERIAL LEAF BLIGHT – Xanthomonas campestris pv. ricini


Water soaked lesions appear, which later become brown/black and angular to circular in shape. Later the affected leaves become brittle, dry up, drop prematurely and defoliate.

Mode of spread and survival

The pathogen spreads through rain splash and survives in the infested seeds


Poor drainage and heavy rain encourage the disease development


  • Use disease free seeds
  • Surface irrigation only during periods of low rainfall may serve to reduce losses.

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