How to Obtain License and Registration for Starting a Food Service Organization?
A food business/food service organization involves multiple activities, for instance, from manufacturing till sales. Food business also includes storing, retailing, distributing and transporting food and food products. The following categories come under food service organization / food business.
Before starting a restaurant, it requires prior approval from the local authority where the building is to be constructed.
Local approval by
☆Municipal Authority
☆Concerned Police Authority
☆Any other local authority as may be applicable / required (Pollution Control Board / Ministry of Environment and Forests)
☆Approval / NOC from Airports Authority of India for projects located near Airport
How to register to start a restaurant?
☆Application to be sent to Public Health Inspector for registration within 30 days from the commencement of work
☆The inspector will look into following before approval
■Welfare of employees
■Previous experience of employer
■Financial resources
■Whether employer himself has applied.
a) Location Permit
For getting planning permission, the location must fulfil the following requirements:
☆It should not be built within archaeological sites
☆It should be built 30 metres away from the water canal.
☆There should be a distance of 15 metres from the well.
☆It should not be built within an agriculture land.
☆If it is multi-storey restaurant, soil test must be done.
☆Nine metre road facility is desirable
The restaurateur must provide the following mandatory documents with planning application for approval.
☆Location Plan: shows the site area and its surrounding context.
☆Site plan: shows the proposed development in detail
☆An ownership certificate
☆Agricultural holdings certificate (If it is required)
b) Building Permit
To run a successful restaurant, the building must be safe accessible and efficient.
Building Regulations
Building regulations has set standards for the design and construction of buildings to ensure the safety and health of people.
It covers the requirements with respect to
i) Structural safety: The building should be planned, designed and constructed under right supervision for quality and safe construction depending on the location of the building vulnerable to lightening, earthquake, landslide, cyclone and flooding risks.
ii) Fire safety: Covers all precautionary measures necessary to provide safety from fires for building occupants, persons in the vicinity of buildings and fire fighters. Requirements and guidance indicates emergency exit in cases of fire, fire detection and warning systems, the fire resistance of structure elements, fire separation, protection, compartmentation and isolation to prevent fire spread, control of flammable materials and access and facilities for fire fighting.
iii) Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture: Includes the weather-tightness and watertightness of buildings, subsoil drainage, site preparation and measures to deal with contaminated land, radon, methane and other site related hazardous and dangerous substances.
iv) Toxic substances: This controls hazards from the toxic chemicals used in cavity fill insulation systems.
v) Resistance to the passage of sound: Sound can travel through the walls, ceilings, stairs and floors of a dwelling. So they need to be constructed in a way which resists the transmission of airborne sound waves (radio, television) and any impact sound (Climbing stairs)
vi) Ventilation: Proper ventilation should be provided by installing heat exhaust hoods, grease exhaust hoods, exhaust fan, makeup air systems and fire suppression systems for the welfare of employees and customers.
vii) Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency
☆Lays down standards for the provision of sanitation of physical facilities, washing facilities, rainwater harvesting and hot water.
☆It also covers safety requirements in respect to unvented hot water systems.
viii) Drainage and waste disposal
■Requires adequate drainage provision, sewage infrastructure, pollution prevention and maintenance.
■Technical design standards cover sanitary pipework, foul drainage, rainwater drainage and disposal, waste water treatment and discharges and cesspools.
ix) Heat producing appliances and fuel storage system: Covers the construction, installation and insulation of building elements; use of heat efficiency boilers, hot water storage, chimneys, flues, hearths and fuel storage; and also requirements to control fire sources, electric shocks and carbon footprints.
x) Protection from falling: Set standards for the safety of stairways, ramps and ladders together with requirements for windows and vehicle barriers to prevent falling. Also included are requirements for guarding against and warning of hazards from the use and position of doors and windows.
xi) Access to and use of building: Requires the inclusive provision of ease of access to and circulation within all buildings, together with requirements for facilities for disabled persons.
xii) Glazing safety: Lays down the requirements for the use of safety glazing to avoid impact hazard and for the suitable awareness of glazed areas. Also included are safety requirements relating to the use and cleaning of windows.
xiii) Electrical safety: Covers the design, installation, insulation, inspection and testing of electrical installations in order to prevent injuries from electrical shocks, burns and fires due to electrical components overheating.
xiv) Materials and workmanship: Building work must be carried out with proper materials and efficient and skilled workers. When the building work meets the standards, the applying person will receive a completion certificate to run a restaurant