Black economy :
Money earned in private cash transactions, which is untraceable, and therefore untaxable.
Black kinght :
A company which makes a hostile takeover bid for another company that does not want to be bought.
Black letter law :
Well known principles of law that are not doubted or disputed.
Blind test:
Research method in which people are asked to try a number of similar products which are not identified by brand name,to decide which produce is the best.
Bloatware :
In computing software that needs so much computer memory that it takes a long time to load and therefore does not function properly.
Blue chip :
On the stock market,shares of a large company with a good reputation, whose value and dividends are considered to be safe and reliable.
Blue law :
In the US ,a law which regulates and limits activities for religious reasons, such as Sunday working or shopping.
Blue-sky law :
In the US a law designed to protect the public from buying fraudulent securities.
Blue-sky thinking :
Open-minded, original and creative thinking, not restricted by convention.
Bluetooth :
Wireless technology which allows data to be transferred over short distances between laptop computer, mobile phones, digital cameras,etc.,