Osteoarthritis is a very common chronic disorder involving the joints. It is a degenerative change in the joints. The degenerative changes take place because the rubbing of the joint surfaces causes a wearing away and disintegration of the tissues.
Causes and Risk factors
Age: people above the age of 45 have the risk for developing osteoarthritis. It is, however, most commonly found in people over age of 65.
Gender: This disease of osteoarthritis is more common in women, particularly after the age of 55
Obesity: This can be one of the causes for osteoarthritis as every kilogram puts three extra kilogram of pressure on knees
Injury : Joint injuries are an increased risk of developing osteoarthritis
Weakness of muscles: Weak thigh muscles lead to osteoarthritis knee joint pain.
Signs & Symptoms
* Knee pain
* Swelling
* Joint stiffness
* Loss of movement
* X–ray of affected joints
* Serum CRP
* Serum ESR, RA factor
Medical management:
* Analgesics
* Exercise to strengthen muscles
Surgical management:
* Arthodesis (practised earlier)
* TKR (Total Knee Replacement) Arthiodesis, an operation to fuse the joint in one position can be done to prevent further pain (practiced earlier)
* Use knee cap supports
* Use hot water formentation to relieve pain
* Wear comfortable, fitting shoes to reduce stress on joints
* Walk regularly to keep yourself active, it helps to avoid stiffness
* Maintain a healthy weight to reduce strain and pain in your knee
* Don’t lift heavy weights, it puts stress on the knees
* Don’t sit cross- legged
* Avoid prolonged activities that put strain on the knee like gardening
* Avoid jerky movements
* Don’t smoke. Research shows that smoking leads to joint pain along with other damaging effects