Budworm, Hendecasis duplifascialis Hmpsn Pyraustidae Lepidoptera
- Caterpillar makes hole on the flower bud and feeds on the inner content. Larva also attacks 2 -3 buds and buds are webbed together by silken threads. Adult is a small white moth with black palpi and three lines on the abdomen and hind legs. Larva is greenish with black head. Pupation takes place in the soil.
Gallery worm,Elasmopalpus jasminophagus Phycitidae – Lepidoptera
- Caterpillars web together the terminal leaves, shoots and flower heads and feed on them. Faecal matter is seen, attached to the silken web.Moth is small and dark grey. Caterpillar is green with a red head and prothorax and lateral brown streaks on the body. Pupation takes place in the web itself.
Leaf webworm, Nausinoe geometralis G. Pyraustidae Lepidoptera
Leaf roller Glyphodes unionalis Pyraustidae Lepidoptera
- Caterpillars web the leaves together and remain inside. They skeletonize the leaves completely. Adult is a medium sized moth, has light brownish wings with white spots. Caterpillar is green with dark warts giving rise to thin hairs and has black streaks on the sides of thorax. Larvae pupate within the web.
- Caterpillars roll the leaves and feed on them. Adult is a white moth with brown lines along the costal margin of forewings. Caterpillar is green in colour.
Jasmine eriophyid mite, Aceria jasmini Eriophyidae -Acarina
- Feeding causes felt-like hairy out growth (Erineum) on the surface of leaves, tender stem and flower buds. Growth of the plant is stunted and flower production is affected. Female is cylindrical and vermiform with two pair of legs and measures about 150- 160 µ long and 44µ thick.
Jasmine bug, Antestia cruciata Pentatomidae – Hemiptera
- suck the sap from tender shoots and buds, and prevent flower formation. Adult bug is a dark brown bug with orange and white marking.
Blossom midge, Contarinia maculipennis .Cecidomyiidae – Diptera
- Maggots cause swelling at the base of buds due to infestation. Buds become discoloured and dropped in large numbers
Red spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Tetranychidae Acarina
Whitefly, Dialeurodes, kirkaldyi Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera
Flower thrips, Thrips orientalis Thripidae – Thysanoptera
Green plant hopper, Flata ocellata Flatidae – Hemiptera
Brown plant hopper Ricania fenestrata Ricaniidae – Hemiptera.
Horn worm, Acherontia styx Sphingidae Lepidoptera
Rose aphid Macrosiphum rosaeformis; M. rosae
Cotton aphid Aphis gossypii
Green peach aphid Myzus persicae Aphididae Hemiptera
- Both nymphs and adults are found in colonies on the tender shoots, flowers and buds and feed on them by sucking the sap.
- As a result tender shoots wither, buds fall prematurely and the flower show fading.
Leaf cutting bee, Megachile anthracina Megachilidae– Hymenoptera.
- Adult bees cause characteristic damage to the rose leaves, by cutting neat, circular or oval patches from the leaf margins.
- The cut bits of leaves are used for the construction of nest cells.
- Adult bees are hairy, medium sized dark insects with the base of the abdomen tinged with red- brown (orange).
Grape thrips Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus,Onion thrips Thrips tabaci Thripidae:
Rose leafhopper Edwardsiana rosae Cicadellidae – Hemiptera
Scale Lindingaspis rossi Coccidae Hemiptera
Red spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Tetranychidae Acarina
Castor semilooper, Achaea janata Noctuidae – Lepidoptera.
Tussock Caterpillars, Euproctis fraternal, Porthesia scintillans, Notolophus posticus Lymantriidae – Lepidoptera
Slug caterpillar, Parasa lepida Cochlidiidae – Lepidoptera
Gram caterpillar, Helicoverpa armigera Noctuidae – Lepidoptera
Flower Chafer beetle, Oxycetonia versicolor Cetonidae – Coleoptera
Chafer beetle: Anomala sp. Rutellidae Coleoptera
Termite (White ants) Odontotermes obesus Termitidae Isoptera
Blackfly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus Aleyrodidae Hemiptera