A non-woven fabric is made by using heat and resin on short fibres, thereby creating a structure for the short fibres. They are materials that do not have a fibre network by randomly laid technique. One cannot see the warp and weft threads laced or looped like a weaving or knitting. In order to check […]
what is Woven Fabric and Knitted Fabric
Woven Fabric Weaving is the art of interlacing warp and weft at right angle direction. This compact construction creates a strong fabric. In order to identify the right side of the fabric, the design on the woven fabric should be observed. When the floats of a design are less and the motif is clear it […]
different types of grain which are explained below
There are different types of grain which are explained below: On Grain Lengthwise grain means the yarn in the fabric runs in the length of the fabric and is parallel to the selvage. Crosswise grain OffGrain When the warp and weft threads are not exactly at the right-angled ways, they are termed to be in […]
What is Grain fabrics- what is Grain clothing
This is the term that explains the direction in which the fabric is woven. It determines greatly by the way the fabric falls on the object or the wearer. Understanding the grain helps in minimising the wastage and to create interesting fullness effects on the garment. Grain refers to the alignment of warp and weft […]
What is Identification of Fabric by Look
Fabrics can be assessed by the appearance. This is generally based on how it takes up light and reflects or absorbs it. There are different types of fabric dull, bright, shiny, glossy, transparent, embellished, thick, heavy, light, fine, semi-transparent, embroidery, lace, knotted to mention a few.
Identification of Fabric by Feel
Fabrics can be identified based on the texture, which means the surface feel of a fabric. Example – the feel of gauze bandage, cotton sari and a denim pant material. All these have different feel when touched. Thus, the texture is observed and based on that the fabrics can be identified for its suitability to […]
Identification of Fabrics and Preliminary Stitches in Garment Construction- introduction of Identification of Fabrics and Preliminary Stitches in Garment Construction
Introduction Textile material has various end uses. When one has to select a material he/she touches it and observes the look and feel of it, based on which the decision of selecting the material for a specific end use is determined. The knowledge among various forms of fibre, yarn and fabric will enable in understanding […]
What is Rhythm
Rhythm is a very important art principle. According to Beitler and Lockhart,’a sense of order, a quality of gracefulness, a feeling of easy movement’ – all lead to a principle of design; which is called as “rhythm”. Rhythm is related movement or the sense of leading the eye from one part of a design to […]
Types Of Decorative- what is naturalistic- what is conventional- what is Abstract- what is Historic- what is Geometric
Design There are 5 types of decorative design. They are : 1. Naturalistic 2. Conventional 3. Abstract 4. Historic 5. Geometric Naturalistic Design When objects from nature are used as such, it is known as naturalistic design. The designs can be selected and reproduced exactly. Examples: Flowers, leaves, animals and landscape. The inspirations for design […]
What is Design- what is classification design- what is Structural Design – what is Decorative Design
Design Design is the arrangement of elements namely line, shape, form, colour and texture according to the principles of design namely harmony, rhythm, emphasis, balance and proportion. When it is done so, the resultant design would be beautiful and pleasing. Classification of Design The design is classified into two as Structural design and Decorative design. […]
Designing of Clothing
Introduction A design is called as the blue print or model or plan of the final end product. It is also a representation of the final object. Designing is a creative process which combines the physical qualities of a product with aesthetic considerations. Design output varies according to the designer, stylist and artist. Designers work […]
Factors Affecting Clothing Selection- Factors affecting which influence our choice of clothing- factors affecting selection of clothing
The clothes that you choose to buy and wear are influenced by several factors such as age, climate, occasion, income and occupation. ● Climatic Factors People living in cold climate need to wear woollen clothes to keep warm. People living in very hot climates as in desserts need to wear turbans of thick cloth to […]
What is Selection of Clothing and Clothing Care- introduction Selection of Clothing and Clothing Care,
Introduction Clothing protects the human body from extreme weather and other features of the environment. The practical function of clothing is to protect the human body from environmental hazards such as weather, insects, toxic chemicals, weapons and other hazards.
What is ClothingBudget- what is reasonable monthly budget for clothing
ClothingBudget A budget is a detailed plan of operations for some specific future period. Clothing budget helps to plan and control the income and expenditure. There is a close relationship between the family income and the expenditure on clothing. Budgeting helps a household to spend money carefully. It is an intelligent guide to spending. It […]
The secret of managing money well is in planning. Budget is only a plan for spending. It helps to meet necessary expenses and help to afford to buy extras one wants to buy and save. It also helps to avoid over spending. There is no single pattern for spending and saving that suits everyone. Income […]
Types of Family – what are the different types of family- what is Nuclear Family – what is Single Parent Family – what is Extended Family – what is Childless Family – what is StepFamily/Blended Family – what is Grandparent Family
Types of Family The first contact for every individual in this world is his family. The family is the most important part of a man’s environment. The first contact of an individual in his environment is through his family. As civilization advanced the family continued to change which become more eminent due to industrialization and […]
Clothes make an important major category in the family budget. Clothing is not only a major category of expenditure but is also an important means of personal happiness and social identification. To derive maximum satisfaction, one must develop good clothing practices. Good clothing practice includes the knowledge of wise selection of clothing, possession of an […]
Family Clothing Budget and wardrobe planning
INTRODUCTION Clothes are an outward expression of how people feel about themselves and the world around them. Clothes act as a media which communicate about a person even before the voice is heard. Right clothes are necessary for health, poise and selfrespect. The way the people dress and adorn themselves provide fascinating insight into human […]
After Treatment Processes of Printed Fabrics- what is Steaming- what is Washing Off – washing off advantage and disadvantage- what are the different styles of Printing- what is print Fabrics- what are the steps of textile printing
After printing, the fabrics are dried to retain the printed design. It is an essential step to avoid staining of unprinted areas. It prevents bleeding of print paste from the design areas. Drying is followed by steaming which transfer the pigment from print paste to the fabric. Steaming In ageing or steaming process, the dyes […]
Methods of Printing- block Printing- block printing Advantages and disadvantages- Roller printing- Roller printing advantage and disadvantage- what is Stencil Printing- stencil printing advantage and disadvantage-what is screen printing
Block Printing Block printing is the ancient method of printing designs on the textile material by hand. It is the simplest of the printing methods. In this method, the desired design is carved on a wooden or metal block. The fabric is pinned on a table which is firm, strong and withstands the pressure of […]