

The fertilized ovule is called seed and possesses an embryo, endosperm and a protective coat. Seeds may be endospermous (wheat, maize, barley and sunflower) or non endospermous. (Bean, Mango, Orchids and cucurbits). Cicer seed (example for Dicot seed) The mature seeds are attached to the fruit wall by a stalk called funiculus. The funiculus disappears […]


Post Fertilization structure and events

After fertilization, several changes take place in the floral parts up to the formation of the seed. The events after fertilization (endosperm, embryo development, formation of seed, fruits) are called post fertilization changes Endosperm The primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) divides immediately after fertilization but before the zygote starts to divide, to form the endosperm. The […]